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Our Teachers talk about Pyjama week

When our Teachers heard that Pyjama week was returning to our programs we decided to take a moment to see just why they love these lessons...

Everyone would agree that it is extremely important to learn to swim. Not only is it great fun and fabulous exercise, but it is also a key lifesaving skill.

At Puddle Ducks we go one step further – we incorporate lifesaving activities in all of our programmes, from birth through to school children.  And of course, we make them fun!

All our efforts culminate in our fabulous Pyjama Weeks, held three times a year.  All of our parents, babies and children come to classes in their pyjamas, learn some new skills and feel what it is like to swim with clothes on.

This time our Pyjama Week falls in line with the STA's learn to swim water Safety program running nationally from the 9th of May 2022 until Sunday the 15th.

We caught up with some of your Teachers to find out exactly why Pyjama week is so important, what there most loved activities are and to get an incite into just why they enjoy this week so much.

Teacher Rebecca from our Hinckley and Burbage pools couldn't wait to chat about PJ week

"Pyjama week is definitely one of the most important classes we run, and the fact that it's repeated three times a year gives every child a chance to experience what it's like to be clothed in the water. The Difference they will feel in activities like jumping in from the big float will give them a real sense of how much harder you need to work if you ever fall into the water clothed"

Senior Teacher Kayleigh is so passionate about Pyjama week

"Pyjama week is such an important week and helps our swimmers develop vital personal survival skills, as well as being a lot of fun, I really enjoy teaching all of our turning activities in these classes, as what starts as a fully supported turn in Floaties, leads to our treading water activities in dippers and SA, and also teaches the children how to turn and swim back to a point of safety in the water"

Teacher Emma only recently joined the team, but she really loves Pyjama week

"What I love about PJ week is that it brings everything we regularly work on right into focus. It highlights just how integral the seemingly simple activities actually are when it comes to personal survival in the water. For example, monkey walking suddenly isn’t just a super fun activity, it’s our children learning and building the strength to hold on to a point of safety with their head above the water and then move themselves to another point if safety"

Senior Teacher Lou has lots to say when it comes to the importance of Pyjama week

"Pyjama week is such an important lesson for our swimmers, as it's a chance for them to experience being in the water with clothing on. Plus we especially emphasise our safety skills during pyjama week. My favourite activity is Rolling Dippers off the float backwards, simulating an unnatural fall in to water. They're all arms and legs everywhere, but always come up wanting to do it again!"

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