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Star of The Term Spring 2017

Sienna wins Star of The Term for Spring 2017


Every term we ask all our teachers to nominate 2 students who they feel have worked particularly hard, overcome significant barriers, shown real determination or just simply because they are a pleasure to teach. These nominations are then sent to an external judge who have a really tough time in deciding on the winner!

This term we asked Gemma from Families Tameside to judge for us and we're delighted to announce that she chose Sienna who was teacher Abby's nomination. This is her winning nomination:

"Siennna stands on poolside early each week and likes to sing along to the previous classes puddle duck song! She never fails to make me laugh and has a huge smile on her face all lesson! She loves to help demo all the activities and was a superstar for jo our new teacher when she was co teaching. When she does her underwater swims she smiles the whole way under the water and then claps. I love teaching her she is a pleasure!!!"

Well done Sienna - what a lovely nomination, keep up your smiles, it makes our teachers day!

We would also like to a say a HUGE well done to all the other Puddle Ducks who were nominated. We've listed them and their well-deserved nominations below:

Jen K

'It is an absolute pleasure to teach Jen on a Monday she tries so hard and is always smiling! Her confidence has improved so much since she started and although her 'inner frog sneaks in every now and then 'she is so close to her 5m badge due to how enthusiastic she is to prove what she can do. I love seeing her smiley face every week! She is a super star all the time!'

William O

'My first nomination is for William who is a Little Dipper at cedar mount on a Saturday, I've nominated William because he has improved so much over the last term, when I first starting teaching he was so shy and didn't want to join in on any of the activities never mind go under the water. Mum was a bit unsure about whether or not to carry on bringing him. However, they stuck it out and he has really come out of his shell, he participates in everything and is really enthusiastic about it all and has even started to do long swims under the water on his own! I am so proud of him?"! Also a big well done to mum for persevering and carrying on coming when she was unsure

Luna W

Luna is a splasher on a Thursday at Aqua Nurture, I've nominated Luna for similar reasons to William. She has been coming since she was a floatie and used to enjoy her lessons, however after a few weeks, when a submersion had happened she started to cry for the rest of the lesson and became really distressed which in turn upset mum. After trying a few different techniques to distract her and none of these working we decided to stop the submersions for a while, however, a few weeks ago after quite a long break from submersions we decided to give them another go and try to slowly introduce them again and they no longer bother her at all again, she even came up smiling after a duckling dive through the hoop last week which was lovely to watch. She now fully enjoys her lessons again which makes both me and her mum extremely proud

Esme H

Esme has been swimming with Puddleducks for more than a year. She comes every week with her Nana and rarely misses a lesson. Esme has really struggled with confidence and often clung on to her Nana during lessons. She often chose not to join in with activities but would be upset afterwards that she hadn't taken part.

I spoke to Esme's Nana and other members of the team to see what I could do to help Esme. We decided that Esme should bring a favourite toy from home to watch her swim. From then on Esme has brought her toys and they sit poolside, Esme's confidence has increased so much that in one term she has made amazing progress and this week she achieved her 5m award!! I am so proud of her for persevering and working so hard, well done Esme!

Florence M

Florence is used to coming along to Puddleducks lessons as her big brother has been with us since she was born. Florence began her own journey with us in Splashers and really took to the water, she joins in with everything with such enthusiasm and always has a big smile on her face. Florence is always eager to help with demonstrations showing the rest of the class what to do.

Florence has recently moved into Kickers, she has made this transition easily and is continuing to make excellent progress! Well done Florence!

Caitlin W

'Caitlin has had a fantastic term and has made such great progress, I'm really proud of her. She had a tough time in kickers and at the start of little dippers where she became very clingy and had a real drop in confidence levels. However, with support and consistency she gradually began to gain in confidence. Caitlin is now happy to join in with all activities and puts her face in the water with no issues. She has also done some lovely independent swims over the last two weeks. It's just so lovely to see her smile throughout the class and she is an example to so many others to just keep going, you will get there.'

William H

William has to be one of the most happy, smiley Kickers I have met. This nomination is not a story of overcoming fear or a crisis of confidence, it is just to give credit to a little boy who approaches everything with enthusiasm and sheer delight. He is a joy to teach and clearly just loves his swimming classes!

James S

I would like to nominate James Sharkey for 'Star of the term'. I have only been working with James for the past term and a half and the progress he's made in that time has been AMAZING! James is a lovely boy and is so willing to learn. He listens intently every week, taking all the instructions and advise on board and always puts them into practice. He has made so much progress that within the short time he's been in Beginners he has achieved his 5m and 10m distance swims and not only that but he has done so well that he has had the well-deserved move to the Intermediate class. I am so proud of James and the achievements he has made through his sheer hard work and determination. Well Done James!

Isaac A

Isaac Ahmed is my nomination for 'Star of the term'. Isaac started with Puddle Ducks when he was in Kickers, he was so shy and very nervous in the water. The once quiet and shy little boy is now so cheeky and such a character and has just grown from strength to strength. He is now swimming independently 'head down' and will attempt all activities. He really enjoys his lessons and has worked hard to overcome his nerves. Mum has been an amazing support to him and although on occasions during the early days she was questioning whether to continue with Isaac's classes, she persevered and it really did pay off. Isaac you're a little Superstar!

Caelan M

Caelan has progressed significantly in his ability and confidence and has worked so hard this last term. A special thanks to his parents who take him swimming regularly so he can practice the activities that we teach in the pool. Well done Caelan and great teamwork mum and dad!

Charlie M

Charlie was an extremely nervous swimmer to begin with, avoiding any contact with the water and his face. I am so proud of him as he is now blowing bubbles like it's second nature. Well done Charlie, keep up the good work in your new weekend class!

Isla C

Isla has settled into classes fantastically and coming on so quickly. Shes always smiling, and a joy to teach especially when she's telling me what superfoods shes eaten that morning to make her swim faster!!

Eva K

Eva is doing really well in intermediates and not at all phased by trying all new aspects of Swim academy, she is working so hard and putting 110% into every element of every lesson.


Finlay has become much more confident & has improved so much! He never has a bad day and always wants to keep going!


Thomas- started off not wanting to get in the water to now swimming like a fish! He has come on miles and there's no stopping him now!


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