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Teacher of the term Autumn 2016

Congratulations to Emily!

We are delighted to announce that Emily has won our teacher of the term award for Autumn 2016!Our independent judge, Gayle from TinyTalk South Tyneside and Sunderland chose Emily as the winner from this nomination which was submitted by Amanda Stobbs who is the Mum of Splasher, Chloe:

"Emily is always happy, smiley and chatty! Her friendliness puts children and parents at ease. Chloe started at Puddle Ducks in September, she has Cerebal Palsy and isn't allowed to go underwater due to her condition, once this was explained to Emily she put me at ease straight away and we discussed that Chloe could participate in modified versions of the activities when necessary. After a few weeks Emily told me she had approached a family member of hers who works with children with additional needs to seek advice and information on Chloe's condition as she'd had no prior experience with this. This made me think Emily was amazing!! That she went out of her way to do this, in her own time it made us feel that it was important to her to incorporate Chloe into her class. Chloe looks forward to seeing Emily on a weekly basis as she loves her class. Thank you Emily for being fabulous!!"

Gayle had this to say about her decision:

"Emily went out of her way to find out more about the little girl's condition so she could be the best teacher for her. This would have made her Mum feel even more relaxed during the lessons and would also have helped Emily feel more relaxed whilst she was teaching.
This one really stood out to me, but all were lovely to read. You have a fantastic team whom are very much loved by their swimming families."

Thank you to Amanda and to everyone else who submitted nominations for all of our teachers, we really do love to read them. Thank you again to Gayle from TinyTalk South Tyneside and Sunderland and a huge well done to Emily :)

For more information about Gayle's Tiny Talk classes please visit

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