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Teacher of the term winner

Congratulations Nadine!

Congratulations to Nadine who has won the Puddle Ducks teacher of the term award for Summer 2017!

The winning nomination was submitted by Jemma Lawson (Evie's Mum):

"When Evie started floaties she was the nightmare baby who screamed for the duration of the class. Nadine wasn't phased by this at all and was so patient that it stopped me feeling dressed about it. We moved into splashes but stayed with Nadine and Evie now adores swimming! I can't thank her enough."

Katie Oates (owner of Fun Little Foodies) was our independent judge and had this to say about her selection:

"I have read all the nominations and what lovely comments!  You obviously have some fab teachers and happy parents! This one stood out for me so I picked this one but difficult decision!

I picked this one because I think patience, calmness and persistence are some of the most important qualities a good teacher needs. Empowering the parents to feel confident rather than stressed and encouraging them to keep bringing their baby swimming even if it is difficult at first is a great thing to achieve!"

Well done again to Nadine and thank you to Katie for picking our winner.

Fun Little Foodies are cookery classes for little ones which run in various North East locations. Read more about them here -

Fun Little Foodies



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