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Swimming Stars of the Month - November

The nominations are in ..........

Every month, our teachers nominate who their Swimming Stars of the Month are and a massive congratulations to the following super star swimmers for November!!

Scarlett, who is a Little Dipper at West Gate School was nominated by her teacher Emma:

“She has been so nervous in the water and used to make up excuses to get out. We figured out that it scared her when the water went up her nose so we’ve been working extra hard on bubbles. I know that her big sister Sienna who is with us in Swim Academy at Roundhill Academy has been helping her with her bubbles and breathing whilst on holiday and all of a sudden it has clicked. She has been swimming beautifully on her woggles and incorporating her breathing aswell now which is amazing. I am definitely going to move her up to Dippers and I know she will be amazing 😉 xxx”

Darcey, who is a Dipper at the Nottingham Hilton Hotel was nominated by her teacher Rebecca:

“Darcey has recently moved up to Dippers from Little Dippers and she has adjusted to her new class really well - in fact I never knew Darcey could talk so much!  Since moving into Dippers she is happy to try things and she sees what her new classmates are doing and wants to join in. Every week she makes me smile and is a delight to teach. You're doing really well with your swimming Darcey!”

Bobby, who is a Little Dipper at Rainbows was nominated by his teachers Alex and Jayne.

“Bobby has recently been through a period of hating the woggles but over the last few weeks he has been willing to give them another go, even kicking and reaching on them now. This is so lovely to see!"

Macy, who is in Swim Academy at West Gate School was nominated by her teacher Rachael:

“Macy is definitely a swimming star! She listens really well and takes in everything that I say. She then tries to put that into her swimming. She tries really hard every week. She achieved jumping in and swimming back with no support recently and is also a great demonstrator for the rest of her class.”

Sophie, who is a Little Dipper at Every Sensation was nominated by her teacher Heather:

“Sophie has gone from being very disengaged and nervous to one of the strongest and most confident Little Dippers D in the class. She is a brilliant woggle swimmer and starfish floater. Honestly, I’m so proud of how she's come on as in her first few weeks, she wouldn't even get into the pool. You are a superstar!”

Well done to all our swimming stars - your Star of the Month certificates will be on their way to you very shortly! 

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