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Teacher of the Term Summer 2017

If you love your teacher, let them know… Nominate them for Teacher of the Term.

Our teachers are not only STA qualified, but they are also trained to the highest standards using programmes that have been specially developed here at Puddle Ducks.

Check out these numbers-

300:     the number of hours of training it takes to become a Puddle Ducks teacher, 50 hours in the classroom and the rest in the water.

250:     technical videos used to help with training, these videos receive over 1000 hits per month from teachers.

40:       Puddle Ducks training courses run every year covering 8 different qualifications.

16:       the number of hours of CPD Puddle Ducks teachers must complete every year.

3:         times per year Puddle Ducks teachers must update their CPR training.

1:         assessment every year of every teacher to ensure that standards of teaching remain the highest.

Our teachers are amazing, FACT!

If you agree and would like to nominate your teacher for ‘Teacher of the Term’ please email us at [email protected] and tell us in no more then 150 words why they are so special. Closing date for entries is 3rd July and our locla winner will be pickee by an independent judge and will be entered into a national competition.

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