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PJ Week 14th - 20th February


Our Pyjama Weeks are usually a highlight of our swimmer's and teacher's year, but due to Covid, we haven't been able to hold one for a long time.  This is all about to change, with our first PJ Week in two years taking place next month.

To get yourself in the mood, have a read of our article explaining the importance of PJ Week: Why Pyjama Week is Important

If accidents happen, it's often while fully clothed. It's our duty to ensure that our swimmers know what it feels like to be in the water wearing clothes. Even just this short experience, helps then realise that even though they feel heavier, they can still do those all important reactions of kicking to the surface, turning and reaching for the side.

“They are not only fun, they are also vitally important for water safety because it is an opportunity for you and your child to experience what it feels like to be in the water while clothed and spend some time focusing even more on those important personal survival skills that we teach. We hold them a few times a year as experiencing this from a young age and developing those skills throughout our programmes could really help a child if they ever fell into water by accident.” 

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