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Market Research - Customer

Market Research

Thank you for attending our Market Research session. We are very grateful to you for attending our session today and hope you and your little one enjoy your goody bag to take away!

Please complete this questionnaire.

Select all that apply.

Please tick all that apply.

Please tick all that apply.

Select all that apply.

It is helpful (but not mandatory) if you could name the classes you attend.
This is referring to activities not in a structured class such as soft play, swimming (not in a lesson), days out, visits etc. It is helpful (but not mandatory) if you can name the places.
Select all that apply

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(This allows us to contact you regarding your enquiry and Puddle Ducks products and services. We will never pass your data to a third party. You can choose to unsubscribe at any time either through links at the bottom of the emails we send you or by telling us over the phone or by email.)

What our customers think