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Wiggly T

This year Charity Pyjama Week takes place on 9th – 15th October. Puddle Ducks Oxfordshire have decided to support a local charity based in Stroud called Wiggly T. 

Wiggly T make and gift specially designed T shirts and vests (Wiggly T’s) for children undergoing treatment for cancer.

5 children (0-14) are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK. Wiggly T needs your help to ensure that they can continue to fund T-shirts for every child who needs one.

A Wiggly T is a super soft cotton t-shirt, with snap poppers from neck to armpit allowing the front panel to open so that you can access the chest without having to take it off. The poppers mean that the ‘wigglies’ (plastic tubes connected to the childs central line) can poke through the gaps for meds and for overnight comfort. They are handmade in fantastic bold patterns and bright colours to match each child’s likes and interests. Having the central line accessed (via a needle to the chest) can be a very traumatic element of treatment for many children. Wiggly T’s give a sense of control to the child by enabling them to keep their tops on for this process.

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